Senior Thesis

Consumer awareness and worry about the potential hazards associated with chemical-containing facial products have significantly increased in recent years. This shift in perspective is brought about by prior reports of unfavorable reactions and health issues linked to synthetic drugs. Unlike the natural and organic components of alternative facial products, chemical-based cosmetics often contain potentially harmful substances. My thesis looks at the supporting data, the state of the law, and the potential consequences of chemical-containing facial products on skin health. Consumer interviews reveal a variety of viewpoints on the choice of items, each expressing the way consumers grasp the idea of chemical-based facial products in regards to the ingredients, and recommendations, and with a common reliance on promotion and endorsements rather than a careful analysis of the products' contents. My thesis defends all organic facial products, by expressing their historical significance, and advertising benefactors to encourage consumers to care for their skin.
When creating my brand Botanisk, I wanted to resemble the elegance and beauty of the world by emphasizing the importance of organically made products. I used neutral colors and simple designs for the packaging and stationary to give a botanical ambiance.
I created an infographic to express the benefactors of organic-based facial products compared to chemical-based facial products. In addition to statistics about the unknown knowledge consumers have when purchasing a chemical-based product.

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